Irish Potato Bread

Irish Potato Bread

Irish Potato Bread

Potatoes USA
“Boxty” is practically a national dish in Ireland. It can be served as a potato pancake, a dumpling or, as here, in a crunchy soda bread. And for a little extra fun this March 17th, serve this Irish Potato Bread along with corned beef and cabbage and a frothy green beer.
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Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Course Bread
Cuisine Irish
Servings 16


  • 2 Large Alsum russet potatoes ¾ pound
  • 1 Large Egg
  • 1 Large Egg white
  • Cup Canola oil plus additional for greasing the baking sheet
  • ¾ Cup Fat-free milk
  • 2 Tablespoons Minced chives (or the green part of a scallion)
  • 1 Teaspoon Caraway seeds
  • 3 ¼ Cup All-purpose flour plus additional for dusting and kneading
  • 1 ½ Tablespoon Baking powder
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt


  • Bring 1 inch of water to a boil over high heat in a vegetable steamer or a large saucepan fitted with a portable vegetable steamer. Peel one potato and cut into eighths; steam the pieces until tender when pierced with a fork, about 15 minutes. Rice or mash pieces in a large bowl; set aside to cool for 15 minutes.
  • Position the rack in the center of the oven; preheat the oven to 375°F. Lightly oil a large baking sheet with canola oil dabbed on a paper towel.
  • Peel the other potato and grate it through the large holes of a box grater. Squeeze of any excess moisture; add to the riced or mashed potatoes.
  • Stir in the egg, egg white, oil, milk, chives, and caraway seeds until fairly smooth. Add 3 ¼ cups flour, baking powder, and salt; stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture forms a soft but sticky dough.
  • Lightly flour a clean work surface as well as your cleaned and dried hands. Turn the dough out onto the floured surface and knead for 1 minute, adding flour in 1-tablespoon increments to keep the dough from turning too sticky. Too much flour and the dough turns tough; it should remain a little tacky but workable. Shape into an 8-inch circle, flatten slightly keeping the loaf mounded at its center, and place on the prepared baking sheet. Use a sharp knife to slash an X in the top of the dough, cutting into dough about ½ inch.
  • Bake until golden brown, firm to the touch, and somewhat hollow sounding when tapped, about 55 minutes. Cool 1 hour on a wire rack before slicing and serving.